Nature Sculptures

Unique ceramic sculptures turned jewelry

clay fish

Ceramic Fish Pendants on the way!!

Kate A. D1 Comment

Good news! The studio where I fire my pieces is opening again next week, so I will finally be able to get new products in my shop!! To celebrate this much awaited for date, I decided it was time to fully embrace the name Nature Sculptures and try and see just how many existing sea creatures I can manage to make!

While I would LOVE to make every single species in existence, a quick google research told me this would be huh… hard to say the least! I’m probably going to fall very very far behind in numbers with what nature created, but I will do my best to do her justice! ;)

This is the first batch of freshly sculpted pendants!
Just need to glaze them and then they will be ready to fire!

’’But Nature Sculptures??’’ I can hear some of you ask, ‘‘why don’t you have your own kiln??’’.
Fair enough question I must admit! Well you see, the kilns I need for these type of firings are EXPENSIVE, and my life partner is afraid I might just set fire to the house! Most potters and ceramists ARE better off purchasing their own kilns, because if they produce on a commercial level paying to rent kiln space is going to end up more expensive on the long run (not to mention not very convenient). I, however, make the tiniest itsy bitsy beads and jewelry and I have a hard time producing enough to fill even the smaller kilns! It is thus MUCH more cost-effective for me to have them fired communally, paying for kiln space instead of an entire firing (or kiln). It also forces me to leave my basement workshop once in a while, get some fresh air and see the friendly faces of other ceramists who also frequent the studio! Because even basement dwelling artists need to socialize now and then apparently.
